Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Podcast Advertising On The Rise

A new report out by PQ Media forecasts a huge growth in alternative media most notably Rss Feeds, Blogs, and Podcasts. According to PQ Media podcast advertising will grow to over $327 million annually in advertising by 2010, while blog advertising will rise to $300 million within the same time frame. Additionally total spending on user-generated online media is expected to grow to over $750 million by 2010.

"Blog, podcast and RSS advertising are being driven by some of the same factors boosting the growth of the overall alternative media sector: continued audience fragmentation, the perceived ineffectiveness of traditional advertising, and the elusive but coveted 18- to 34-year-old demographic," says Patrick Quinn, president of PQ Media. "Blog, podcast and RSS advertising have demonstrated an ability to reach younger demographics as well as influentials, and the media tend to be highly engaging. These are attractive trends to brand marketers that are focused on return on investment."

Read the full article http://www.imediaconnection.com/content/9146.asp

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