Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Local Search to Grow from $3B to $13B by 2010

The Kelsey Group recently released a new forecast for the global online search market, which includes Internet Yellow Pages, local search and wireless. Based on their research they project the market to increase from the $3.4 billion it brought in last year to nearly $13 billion by 2010. Additionally The Kelsey Group projects a 30.5 percent growth rate over the next four years for the global online search market.

Yellow Pages revenues are forecast to increase by only 1.5 percent to reach $28.4 billion over the same time period. The Kelsey Group does not believe that IYP's will take the market share away from traditional Yellow Pages advertising, but possibly from sources such as classified ads.

Read the full article: http://www.clickz.com/news/article.php/3585511

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